Glossary of Bead Finishes to help you find the perfect one!

Here's a glossary of terms related to seed bead luster and finishes:

Opaque: Seed beads with a solid color that does not allow light to pass through, creating an entirely non-transparent appearance

11/0 Dark Red Opaque Preciosa Seed Bead *1/2 HANK or 20g* 11/0 Preciosa Seed Beads
Transparent: Seed beads with a clear color that allows light to pass through, making them see-through or translucent.
Preciosa Ornela 11/0 Preciosa Seed Beads 11/0 Transparent Light Green Dyed Preciosa Seed Bead
Matte: Seed beads with a non-glossy, frosted, or matte finish, providing a soft and diffused appearance.
11/0 Charlotte Cut *Premium Seed Bead- Opaque Black MATTE  *10g Hank* Charlotte Cut Seedbeads

Metallic: Seed beads with a shiny, metallic coating or finish, offering a reflective and lustrous surface.

3 Cut 9/0 Beads 9/0 Premium 24 KARAT GOLD PLATE Gold Metallic Opaque, Sold in Hank 3-cut Beads
Galvanized: Seed beads coated with a thin layer of metallic color, such as gold, silver, or copper, to create a durable and reflective finish.
15/0 Miyuki Seed Bead - Metallic Silver Galvanized (1051v) (22g) 15/0 Seed Beads
AB (Aurora Borealis): Seed beads with a special iridescent coating that creates a rainbow-like effect, reflecting various colors when viewed from different angles.
11/0 Charlotte Cut *Premium SHEEN India Seed Bead- Opaque Patina White Alabaster Aurore Boreale  (AB) *10g Hank* Charlotte Cut Seedbeads
Ceylon: Seed beads with a pearly or opalescent finish, resembling the appearance of genuine pearls.
Sundaylace Creations & Bling Miyuki 8/0 Seed Beads Miyuki Seed Bead 8/0 Lilac Ceylon

Iris: Seed beads featuring a multi-color or two-tone surface coating, producing a vibrant and dynamic visual effect.

11/0 Charlotte Cut Seed Bead- Metallic Navy IRIS *10g Hank* Charlotte Cut Seedbeads

Luster: Seed beads with a glossy, shiny, or polished finish, providing a reflective surface.

10/0 Grey Luster Opaque Preciosa Seed Beads *Limited time Hank 2023* 10/0 Preciosa Seed Beads

Picasso: Seed beads with an irregular surface coating, giving them a rustic and antiqued appearance.

Sundaylace Creations & Bling Miyuki Seed Bead 11/0 Miyuki Seed Bead 11/0 Opaque Cobalt Picasso

Frosted: Seed beads with a slightly textured or etched surface, creating a subtle frosted look.

8/0 Japanese Seedbeads, Frosted Matte Pink Mix 10g 11/0 TOHO Seed Beads

Duracoat: Seed beads treated with a special varnish or coating to enhance durability and color retention, especially important for heavily handled or high-traffic beadwork.

15/0 Miyuki Seed Bead Medium Salmon Pink Opaque Duracoat (4462v) 15/0 Seed Beads

Rainbow: Seed beads with a combination of colors arranged in a repeating pattern, offering a spectrum of hues in a single bead.

Rainbow Rondelle Kit - 9 Colours of 4mm Rondelle Beads Set Bicone Beads

Silver-Lined: Seed beads with a silver-colored lining, which can add brightness and shine to the overall design.

15/0 Delica Beads- Gold Silver Lined (0042v) 15/0 Delica Beads

Transparent Rainbow: Seed beads with a transparent color base and an additional rainbow coating, resulting in a vivid and sparkling appearance.

Preciosa Ornela 11/0 Preciosa Seed Beads 11/0 Dark Orange AB Transparent  Preciosa Seed Bead

Opal: Seed beads with a milky, opalescent, or opal-like finish, exhibiting a play of colors within the bead.

11/0 Charlotte Cut Seed Bead- Opal Amethyst Purple *10g Hank* Charlotte Cut Seedbeads

Color-Lined: Seed beads with a color lining inside the bead, providing a contrasting color effect.

Preciosa Ornela 11/0 Preciosa Seed Beads 11/0 Blue Colour lined, *Light Blue* Preciosa Seed Beads

Matte Metallic: Seed beads with a muted, non-shiny metallic finish, offering a subtle and sophisticated look.

Preciosa Ornela 10/0 Preciosa Seed Beads 10/0 Gold Metallic *Semi-Matte* Preciosa Seed Beads (#65002211)

Solgel: Seed beads treated with a solution to enhance color permanence and prevent fading over time.

10/0 Lavender Purple Solgel Preciosa Seed Beads *Limited time Hank #10SB6197 10/0 Preciosa Seed Beads
Satin: Beads that have an opal or shimmer semi-transparent finish that sparkles with the light. 
3 Cut 9/0 Beads Opaque Satin *Limited Time *HANK 3-cut Beads

Understanding these terms will help you select the perfect seed beads for your beadwork projects and achieve the desired aesthetic effect. Keep in mind that different manufacturers and brands may use slightly different terminology for their seed bead finishes, so it's always a good idea to refer to the product descriptions or consult with the bead supplier for specific details.

Shop with ease at Sundaylace Creations, use our search bar to help you find the perfect bead for your project! 

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